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Monday, January 10, 2011


I have lots of New Years Resolution! But there are 2 that are the most important that I seriously have to get better at. The first New years resolution is that I have to get fit for the Gothia cup in Sweden in summer,which isn't far away. I need to do this resolution so I get better at sports and get better at skills and so I have lots of stamina for football matches or basketball matches etc. I also need to do this so I have better chances of getting picked for teams. Getting fit will allow me to be able to play sports better so I can rune for more time and will let me not be on the bench for games. I am trying to get fit because my parents always say "you aren't running enough Pejman"or when they say "you won't get picked for the team if you don't run" and this makes me angry and makes me want to get fit. I play for this club called KLYS and if you want to get picked for the team you must run A LOT and the coaches say "Pejman you must run more" and when they say this I get upset because I always try my best in football or basketball.  Another example for why I am doing this resolution is because it will help with my future life because when you are fit and ready for anything you will become famous and play in front of people in crowds so that is my resolution number 1 for the year. Speaking of resolutions here is the second most important resolution.

My second resolution for me is getting organized in school, what a mess that locker is. I need to do this resolution because sometimes I find like jumpers in my locker and books falling out just as I open my locker and I am usually like 1-3 minutes late to class because a hoody is hanging out of my locker and it has jammed the lockers way to open the lock. I need to do this so I can get to class on time so I am evolved in class games or ready for warm-ups. When I am disorganized all my binders fall out and the papers inside all fall out and it makes me so frustrated because I have to put all the pieces together. Binder organization is is the most disorganized thing from me (that is why I have 3 binders) when I have all the papers together in one area the hole punches in them get ripped and then I have to just stuff the paper into my binder anywhere. Later on in the day when we need that paper I can't find it then after like 10 minutes I find it in my binder in the completely wrong place. Books books books I hate those things, there like paper with writing on them oh wait the are there so confusing, and that is why I am disorganized with them I always lose them because they are so boring (exceptions for DOWK) so I can't keep track of them so if there's a littérateur circle I always forget where they are in my house ,but next thing you know I find it in my bag. It is also very frustrating.

Bungee Jumping
Bungee  Jumping was so fun but really scary it was actually unbelievably scary. It was scary because we (as in me and my brother(Nariman)) were getting attached to the cord but the part that made me feel safe was that they said the cord can hold a minivan anyways as we were about to jump 100 meter jump I said " please Nariman can we go on a double person one) he said "fine then" so we got detached and attached again to a double person bungee cord so as we were about to jump I was like " are you sure about this" and he was like "yes" and I was like  " I don't want to do thissssssss" and he said" tooooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaate" and we jumped . After we came up again i said" that was amazingly fun" and so we went for another go.

Falling off the boat
Oh it was one of the most horrifying part of my life, we were on a speed boat on the way to phi phi islands. As I was looking out and putting my face out and in the wind I suddenly tipped over (I was wearing a life jacket) . I was so scared I panicked in the water splashing my arms out and going crazy after a while I calmed down. I said "hey this is kind of fun" then the misery came back I felt a fish or something move across my foot. Then i didn't move at all, I know what had happened then I looked at dad and said " are there sharks in here" I started constantly asking that and he answered he said " of course there are there great whites and hammerheads and all sorts of them" then my brother started saying dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun faster and faster like the movie in jaws and then I got really really scared and then I asked the boat driver are there sharks he said "no there are not" so then I went "phew!" and then I realized that we were in a snorkelling area when I fell in and I was so relieved.

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