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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grade 7, Here I come!!!!! LOL

This year has been a real wild journey for us as 6th graders both socially and academically and even sometimes when I said wild I literally meant wild. I have been through bad moments and good moments, fun times and sad times, jolly times and angry times, but mostly I have been the happiest Pejman that there could be. Yeah that is rite I was a nervous student at the start of the year, but now look at me and see what I see. I see an epic awesome guy ( the king of epicness). At the very start at the orientation I looked at everyone I was very observant looking at the faces of the students one by one until.... I saw one face that looked straight at me it was the epicness of two people or just two people looking at each other but this was something different. I knew he was the one that would be my best friends. Then it turned out we were like Spongebob and Patrick it was totally incredible we were buddies for the whole year. I found out about in the middle of the school year that I needed some more friends this is where it happened. I was being awesome as usual and I found LILY, VICKY, and KATHLEEN then Alex, Lily, Vicky, Kathleen and I were best buds for the rest of the year always having parties and doing awesome things since I was there. So now they year has come to an end and we are writing this blog post to reflect on the marvellous life of grade 6.

The things that I have done this year that have made me proud academically (school wide) are probably the literature circles they were also the most challenging as well but I will mention them later in a different paragragh. They were really hard but when you finished it you got a feeling inside you that made you happy or successful ( for me it gave me the feeling of epicness ( you people wouldn't understand only Mr. Thomas and I) It felt awesome). You would say to yourself " OMG FINALLY I DID IT" . My favourite literature circle was the first one I did with Pratiti and Sheta I knew I worked hard on it. About 30 minutes a day for 7 days so much work but I looked at the Google document and I felt epic awesome and convinced that I would get an A on this thing because just as you looked at it it looked like a lot of work effort and sweat went into it.

The most challenging Part of my year was the very first tic tac toe we knew that we chose a hard tic tac toe to do but we had to work sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much on it to get it done and finished on the deadline. this was also hard because it was near the start of the year and we just came from elementary school and we didn't know how to think deeply enough to figure out what explanations go where and what examples go where and how our paragraphs should be organized. it was a very tough deal back then compared to our tic tac toe that we did recently. I also found the literature circles challenging because of again how to organize your paragraph how to get good examples and evidence and explanations. You actually had to think of questions with an infinite number of answers (are you serious) well that is what we said at the start of the year. We actually also had to connect with the book and this wasn't anything like elementary because we had to think.

This year I learnt a lot about myself by thinking I know I am a bit slow on things(like reading) and I knew this was going to be a problem . I had to also learn how to obviously learn best so we did these learning profiles and we found out how we learnt best in our year in grade six, I learnt that I am logical somehow and that I am suppose to be seated at the front of the class so I can hear things better.I also learnt in health that I am kinaesthetic which means I like to learn by moving around.

I would say I am Perfect not to brag but I know when it is the time to fool around and when it is not and when I do fool around I take my chances in the best situations.

I would say I actively participate in class as much as I can because I know there's loads of things out there that I can learn so I do clearly listen to what I am learning and when I don't understand something I get someone to make it clear to me by using different words.

I would say that I am satisfactory for my organization in my locker because it is a mess, but about handing in homework I think I am organized when it comes to that. I'm suppose to be organized with my locker since I'm logical but there's a mistake I think.

I would also say That I am satisfactory at that because I don't go above and beyond and I don't go below and beyond I'm in the middle but I do all my work.

My two goals for grade seven well....
1) I want to clean my locker and not to be messy in my locker.
2) I also want to go above and beyond on my work so I get better grades.

I actually do want you to know something. There is only one thing and it is... That I love acting funny and I like fooling around, and I laugh sooooooo much and that makes other people laugh because they say " my laugh is funny".

My favourite activity was the rap even though I went home sick on the day but I was hoping to do it because it's a time to fool around while rapping and you could choose a cool rap name like "Epic Pejman" .


My epicness words of wisdom

YOU WILL SUFFER, no I'm just kidding it's actually very easy and so fun much more freedom and stuff, and remember it will be epic.

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